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New Union Station planetarium show gives tour of KC cosmos

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A look into the heavens, from a Kansas City perspective.

It’s the new show at the Union Station planetarium.

“Here in Kansas City, if you look up at the night sky, you’re going to see a lot of light pollution from our city, and you’ll only be able to see a couple stars,” planetarium specialist Patrick Hess said.
But that’s not a problem inside the planetarium.

The planetarium’s new show, Stargaze Kansas City, is a tour of the KC cosmos – the actual stars and planets you can see over KC this winter.

“Nowhere else can guests come and not only be guided through our night sky by one of our educators but get to ask questions,” said Hess.
Hess spent more than 200 hours putting the program together.
“We had to build an entire computer from scratch to run these tours,” said Hess.
The show will change with every season, ensuring it’s an accurate look at the KC sky at all times of the year.
It’s an amazing tour of the sky, without ever leaving the ground.
“A lot of people feel small when they look at the night sky, but I really feel big because I know that we’re connected,” said Hess.
The show runs Tuesday through Sunday at the Union Station planetarium.

Justin Wilfon can be reached at [email protected] .