Indoor Playground at Science City. This picture is an overall shot of the Kinetic Climber, showing its size and a number of it's features such as a tunnel, a swing, and a slide.

Kinetic Climber

“Kinetic” comes from a Greek verb meaning, “to move.” So climb in and let’s move with the ultimate indoor playground! And when you are moving, climbing, jumping and sliding you are energy in motion. In fact, any object in motion possesses kinetic energy. What happens to that energy is a whole different discussion that’s equally fascinating and fun. For now, please show us what you’ve got as you navigate and conquer our Kinetic Climber!

Research has shown that an indoor playground like ours provide a number of benefits to children that play on them including physical, mental, social, sensory awareness and health benefits.


  • Ages 4+
  • Adult Supervision Required
  • No shoes allowed
  • No roughhousing
  • Be mindful of young climbers
  • Play within your ability

Benefits of Climbing for Children